If you're a fan of carriage driving and anything horse-pulling related, this blog will be for you! I plan to share my experiences in commercial carriage driving, competition driving, pleasure driving, and training everything from minis to horses to drive single, pairs, tandem, and four-in-hand. I invite my followers to engage in discussion in the comments section. I want this to be and open area for discussion and learning. If you'd like to follow my journey driving, start your own journey, or simply expand your education in the driving industry, this will be a place for you! Like my business Facebook Page: www.Facebook.com/TanglaoCarriageDriving Follow my Facebook Page: www.Facebook.com/AbacusSavannah
Soon I'll have a YouTube Channel going... It is in the works!

Drop a comment and let me know topics of interest for you... Driving multiples? How to harness a horse? Decorating a carriage to impress?